Team Structure

Throughout my student year, I have been in various teams and experienced team structures. I joined different types of RSO, sports, and work experience. I can't say all teams had successful team organizations or cooperations, but I can think about specific team I was involved in that I can say it was successful. Among various teams I joined, "IAM" was be the most structured and very organized team in my student life. To describe what IAM does, IAM is an organization run by students and provides actual advertisement/marketing service to clients.
IAM has a very organized structure with 6 teams (AE, Media, Creative, Production, Internal, Business). Each team has different roles: AE acts as communicator and coordinator of IAM by effectively guide advertisers through an insightful strategy for the needs of the clients. Business team is responsible for planning IAM's own public relations and public interest campaigns, and generating revenue through external sponsorships, excluding actual advertisers. Creative team builds content according to the information and needs of the clients provided by AE team and advertisers, and Video production team creates all of the IAM's video advertisements and digital content. Media team, which I was involved in, produces events suitable for planning projects and efficiently exposes projects to the appropriate consumers, and provides useful information about schools to school students through Facebook page. Lastly, Internal team helps to build the organization of IAM by managing the networking of finance, personnel, and staff. With these 6 teams (and President & Vice President) working on their specific roles, IAM has been doing a successful job in providing real, comprehensive advertising services to its customers and working on several projects with the working-level people in the field.
While I was in media team in IAM, I was responsible for creating digital advertising contents with the information that AE team and clients provided. I had to make contents which meet client's needs and is effective in advertisement. One of our client was Teamoji which is bubble tea store located on green street. They had a number of Chinese customers, but not many customers from other countries came to the store. So Teamoji asked us to create some advertisement that would attract various consumers other than Chinese and become popular on campus. AE team does market research and handed over market research and account planner to Creative team for their advertising content creation. At the same time, media team receives advertisement planner to create events and digital contents that would maximize the advertising effect. Video production team creates video contents and business team hold several fundraisers to gain funds other than one from clients. With funds earned from business team and clients, internal team manage IAM's account and communicate to keep organized structure.
Although IAM is an organization runs by students and not a formal business, it has structured and cooperative system, and I think all works or projects we were responsible went well with huge marketing success. All team's roles are different but they all work together and help to build organized structure and produce successful results. With these activities, IAM provides a variety of experiences that are not easy to experience in school and create an opportunity to develop and draw on one's potential. Therefore, I think I had successful team experience in IAM and would love to find other teams that would help me to develop myself.


  1. Please put line spaces between your paragraphs. It's easier for me to read that way.

    Let me start by noting that you used acronyms in this piece as if the reader knows what they stand for. The correct way to do is that the first time through your write out the full name, instead of writing just IAM, but the put IAM in parentheses. Thereafter you can use the acronym freely, as the reader will know what you are referring to.

    I am unclear from what you said whether IAM is an RSO or some other type of organization. In any event, it would be good to have a sense of why you joined and why other members joined. In past class sessions some students have said that being in an RSO offers a credential for when they interview for a job. Is there some additional reason to join IAM? Does it provide experiences for its member that are somehow valuable in their own right? You seem to say that in the last paragraph, but I wasn't sure whether it was the specific projects that you worked on that were valuable to you or simply the general idea of being on a productive team.

    You also didn't talk about the number of members or the size of the teams. To give a picture of that would have been helpful.

    Bringing in the example of Teamoji was good. Are most (all) of the clients of IAM local businesses with Chinese ownership? Now a different sort of question. I gather that you might be a customer of Teamoji or other such stores in town. How did you learn about where you shop? Is there a different sort of way to get information than from the advertising that IAM produces? In other words, while you did define the specific issue in the case of Teamoji, do information flows in town otherwise work reasonably well, or do students often not know about places to show that they would enjoy?

    Finally, you might say a bit about how you found out about IAM and whether you needed to try other organizations first, that might not have been so successful, so you were ready for this experience. Or would it have been better for you if you found IAM straightaway.

    1. IAM is an abbreviation of 'International Advertising Mob' and is a Korean RSO. I joined to be a media team member because I have always wanted to create media contents. And I thought that IAM would provide real-business experience which not many RSO can provide. I loved all process of creating contents that will be uploaded on Facebook. I loved brainstorming ideas on which topic we should upload and research process. I also liked designing media contents and some posters. Our members were about 30 people. 5~6 people in each team. Not all clients of IAM are Chinese ownership. Howdy burger on green street, Kungfu tea, Champaign dental group, Brewlab coffee were all clients of IAM. I shop based on preference of menu or taste of menu. So when we did research, we made surveys or talked to manager of Teamoji about how they have been marketing and which products are popular to people. I think the biggest reason that people did not try Teamoji was that there are various bubble tea shops on campus and people were afraid to try new place. Because Kungfutea has several locations in the U.S. and they are well-known brand, people choose to go to Kungfutea instead of Teamoji. Also, because people never have tried Teamoji and they do not know how their drinks taste like. They did not have specialty that would attract customers. So we suggested them to have more special drinks and improve bakery sections.
      I think either way is good for me because by trying other organizations that might not have been successful, I could learn from experience and how to improve as a member. IAM gave me a good experience of professionalism and trying different and new tasks.


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