
Showing posts from October, 2019

Income Risk

We all want to optimize our returns but most people may be are taking risks at the same time. It is best to aware of the relationship between income risk and monetary return. By managing our risks, we can prepare better for unpredictable situations we may face. I don't think risk is a bad thing as long as it is controlled. Everyone learn and grow by facing and solve risks intelligently. If you know yourself, keep your skills up-to-date, and always work hard to develop yourself, you will be able to seize the opportunity to maximize your potential along with financial status. Of course, I don't have any idea which job I will get, how much I will earn, and what other conditions might impact my future career. However, I want to talk about how I am managing my risk and preparing my future path. The time I was deciding what major I should study, I had a research on what majors are out there and what jobs or industries I can go with those specific jobs. I wanted to study that is in

Reflection post

Looking back on blog posts I have written for few weeks, I realized that each post's subjects are different and each of them deal with different subjects. First post was related to transaction costs in organizations while the second was talking about opportunism. The topics to each blog post assignments were not mutually related and I learned different aspects from each topic. For the first post, I wrote about my organization experiences being related to transaction costs by realizing the importance of interview process and encouraging people to secure funds for the RSO. Followed by the first post, I wrote about dilemma I faced while I was applying for colleges. I was given an offer of scholarship from certain college, but I wanted to go to U of I to have better statistics program, which is better outcome for me. In this example, I faced transaction costs in choosing which college to attend, but in another sense, it is a form of opportunism because I didn't choose college that


If the Campus gave out each student an allocation of "Illinibucks" which could be used for sole purpose of moving to the head of the line, there would be various benefits and problems at the same time. University has many systems that are priority basis or first-come-first-serve basis. I think both basis have different pros and cons, but I like priority basis better when it comes to academic areas. People might complain about things that are based on priority, but it definitely has some good sides and if Illinibucks beome a thing, many people would think the same way I think. There are a lot of classes to choose and take in U of I and people value every classes differently. As a Statistics major, at the time of registration, I want to register specific stat courses that I want to learn about. Also, there are some courses that are interesting to me or some gen-eds that I am required to take. Usually, registration is based on priority basis: grade, honors, and major. Usually,