Income Risk
We all want to optimize our returns but most people may be are taking risks at the same time. It is best to aware of the relationship between income risk and monetary return. By managing our risks, we can prepare better for unpredictable situations we may face. I don't think risk is a bad thing as long as it is controlled. Everyone learn and grow by facing and solve risks intelligently. If you know yourself, keep your skills up-to-date, and always work hard to develop yourself, you will be able to seize the opportunity to maximize your potential along with financial status. Of course, I don't have any idea which job I will get, how much I will earn, and what other conditions might impact my future career. However, I want to talk about how I am managing my risk and preparing my future path. The time I was deciding what major I should study, I had a research on what majors are out there and what jobs or industries I can go with those specific jobs. I wanted to study that is in...